About us

Video games are our passion, virtual reality is our specialty!

Here in Toulouse, France, we slip on our best VR headsets and go on expedition everyday day into the depths of this fascinating technology to explore its full immersive capacities.

What for? To use its amazing power creating captivating video games that tear down the barrier of reality and challenge the limits of interactivity.

Armed with proven expertise and limitless creativity, we are on a mission to turn the gaming experience into an incredibly immersive adventure..

Ready to dive with us? Welcome to Anderon Games!

Gifts & Snowballs

Do you like boardgames? Then you’ll love Gifts & Snowballs

Grab a hot cocoa mug and challenge your strategic skills.

Figurines comes to life in this VR and XR cheerful Christmas-presents hunt.

Meet sweet and mischievous characters and all their adorable abilities.

Progress in beautiful environments enhanced by heartwarming scores and go back to childhood in Christmas’ warm atmosphere.

Many surprises await olds and youngests in this exciting and immersive adventure.

Early access soon available, for Quest 2 and Quest 3.
